Heya! From my experience, I haven't always found that posting more frequently leads to better results. The optimal posting frequency is different for every account. Check out this article and there’s a system where you can find the ideal posting rate for your account: https://bettermarketing.pub/to-grow-your-instagram-account-quickly-this-is-how-often-you-should-post-fb436be345c2. You might grow slightly faster by posting more but than once per week but it’s important to ask yourself if the time and effort are worth those extra followers. That time might be better spent doing something else that will bring more value to your business. Anyway, the best thing to do is to simply figure out what the right answer is for your unique account and the most effective way to know that is to measure it through the system I included. There will be no more guessing games and you wont have to rely on reading articles to know what the ideal posting rate is for you. Regarding reels, yep. Here’s an article where I talk about that too: https://bettermarketing.pub/is-instagram-dying-yes-but-not-for-everyone-and-not-for-the-reasons-youd-expect-349538bdd78. Hope it helps!